Message from the Coordinators of the Chemistry’s Project SEED Program at CWRU:

Dear high school students, parents, and educators,

We are pleased to announce that the Project SEED 2025 Summer Application will open on Friday, February 10th, 2025:

Click here to Apply for Project SEED Summer Program – American Chemical Society (

Please, be sure to share this opportunity with your peers and anyone you know who may be interested in gaining insightful lab experience this summer.

Please reach out to for any questions.


Carlos Crespo & Shane Parker

ACS-Project SEED Coordinators
Chemistry, CWRU



SEED Fellows

The Project SEED Program has hosted 77 high-school students since 2010. Most of these SEED students have completed, are pursuing, or are planning to pursue a college degree in STEM.


Publications, Projects, and Posters

project SEED final poster presentation collage in hovorka atrium

Yearly Report Cards

The Project SEED National Office generated report cards for Project SEED Sites using data from the Annual Student Survey and the Mentor Report. These report cards are automatically generated from data and do not reflect a grade, but rather a visualization of student/mentor responses. Each report card is automatically generated using the data given and a visualization software. Any irregularities or questions can be addressed with the Project SEED National Office.



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For specific questions or to request additional information about the Project SEED program, please contact the program coordinator Carlos E. Crespo directly at

Funding for this program is provided by The American Chemical Society and the Project SEED endowment, the College of Arts and Sciences at CWRU, and the National Science Foundation through the CAREER program (Grant No. CHE-1800052).