
Name Title Location Email Phone
James Faulk Engineer Millis Hall G10A jdf4 216.368.3589
Michael Greenberg Technician Millis Hall 314A meg115 216.368.3687
Suzi Mason Department Administrator Clapp Hall 212 sxm763 216.368.3622
Angela Molina Department Assistant (Graduate Affairs) Clapp Hall 212 amm496 216.368.5030
Kirsten Nolfi Department Assistant (Financials, Undergraduate Affairs) Clapp Hall 212 kxn262 216.368.3621
Yuzhi (Grace) Shang Undergraduate Laboratory Coordinator Millis Hall 314A yxs882 216.368.3687
James Sill Department Manager Clapp Hall 202 jxs5 216.368.3651
Nan Wu Technician Millis Hall 314A nxw238 216.368.3687
Daniel Zikursh Technician Millis Hall 314A dxz412 216.368.3687


Who to Contact

Emergencies / Utilities

Gas or water leaks, power outage, waste cleanup –> Jim Sill

Facilities / Building

Door/card access/desks and furniture –> Jim Sill
Classroom technology (ceiling projector, document camera) –> CWRU HelpDesk, 368-4357


Instrumentation –> Jim Faulk
(Note: Priority goes to course-related requests)

Computer Support

General Software (email, antivirus, Acrobat, MS Word) –> CWRU HelpDesk, 368-4357
General Hardware (personal printers, mobile devices) –> CWRU HelpDesk, 368-4357